
Overview Reporting API

Overview Data Reporting API

All data collected by the Tappa SDK can be pulled via our aggregate API to better track the performance of the Cashback Keyboard SDK integration. NB Please contact your Tappa representative for the appropriate reporting host to use.


GET https://api.[[reporting host]]/sdk/v1/overviewReporting

Query Parameters

Parameter NamePossible Values
partnerIDID that was assigned to you by a Tappa customer representative
apiKeyAPI KEY given to you by a Tappa customer representative
startDateThe start date of the report, inclusive, specified in YYYY-MM-DD.
endDateThe end date of the report, inclusive, specified in YYYY-MM-DD
dateGroupingAllowed values are: daily, weekly, monthly

Response Codes

Status CodeMeaningCommentsResponse Model
200OKData was returned according to the ResponseFormatResponse
400Bad RequestAn error occurred with the requestErrorResponse
403ForbiddenRequest is not authorized. Probably incorrect partnerID/apiKeyErrorResponse
416Requested Range Not SatisfiableThe requested time range has over 200k rows. Please selected a smaller time range with fewer rows.ErrorResponse


Minimal JSON that has more details about the error:

   "error" : ""


The response model is a JSON array in the following format:

 "date" : {
   "event_name": INT

, where event_name can be:

  • first_run
  • onboarding_started
  • keyboard_activated
  • keyboard_open
  • search_suggestion_impression
  • search_suggestion_click
  • quicklink_impression
  • quicklink_click
  • content_impression
  • content_click
  • estimated_revenue

Example Request

Python request example:

import requests

url = "https://api.[[reporting host]]/sdk/v1/overviewReporting"
params = {
     "partnerID": "ABCDEFGH",
     "apiKey": "1234567890",
  	 "startDate": "2021-07-01",
  	 "endDate": "2021-07-02"
result = requests.get(url, params=params)


Example Response

        "estimated_revenue": "155",
        "first_run": 123,
        "keyboard_activated": 66,
        "keyboard_open": 476,
        "onboarding_started": 115,
        "quicklink_impression": 7833,
        "quicklink_click": 391,
        "search_suggestion_impression": 11730,
        "search_suggestion_click": 350,
        "content_impression": 2873,
        "content_click": 250
        "estimated_revenue": "215",
        "first_run": 283,
        "keyboard_activated": 177,
        "keyboard_open": 869,
        "onboarding_started": 185,
        "quicklink_impression": 10833,
        "quicklink_click": 431,
        "search_suggestion_impression": 17022,
        "search_suggestion_click": 550,
        "content_impression": 2673,
        "content_click": 220