
Android Toolbar Buttons

The keyboard toolbar buttons help to enrich the user experience by adding new functionality to the keyboard. They are shown on toolbar just above the keyboard itself:

There are multiple ready to use buttons. It is also possible to create custom buttons.

Customizing the Toolbar Buttons

Customization and display of toolbar buttons is performed by adding a toolbar JSON file and adding necessary dependencies.

The Toolbar JSON File

In order to change the buttons which are displayed on the toolbar first place a filed called KBToolbar.json in the application assets directory.

    "order": 0,
    "buttonType": "brand",
    "useTint": false,
    "iconResource": "kb_toolbar_items_logo",
    "url": ""
    "order": 1,
    "buttonType": "gifs",
    "useTint": true,
    "iconResource": "kb_toolbar_items_repository_1"
    "order": 2,
    "buttonType": "emoji",
    "useTint": true,
    "iconResource": "kb_toolbar_items_repository_1"
    "order": 3,
    "buttonType": "stickers",
    "useTint": true,
    "iconResource": "kb_toolbar_items_repository_2"
    "order": 4,
    "buttonType": "socialHub",
    "useTint": true,
    "iconResource": "kb_toolbar_items_repository_3",
    "include": [
    "title": "social hub title"
    "order": 5,
    "buttonType": "speechToText",
    "useTint": true,
    "iconResource": "tappa_speech_to_text_toolbar_button"
    "order": 6,
    "buttonType": "tappaText",
    "useTint": true,
    "iconResource": "mocha_tappa_text_icon"
    "order": 7,
    "buttonType": "themes",
    "useTint": true,
    "iconResource": "kb_toolbar_items_repository_5"
    "order": 8,
    "buttonType": "webLink",
    "useTint": true,
    "iconResource": "mocha_tappa_browser_toolbar_button",
    "url": "",
    "title": "tappa_weblink_title"
    "order": 9,
    "buttonType": "webLink",
    "useTint": true,
    "iconResource": "mocha_tappa_browser_toolbar_button",
    "url": "",
    "title": "tappa_weblink_title",
    "urlType": "webUrl"
    "order": 10,
    "buttonType": "webLink",
    "useTint": true,
    "iconResource": "mocha_tappa_browser_toolbar_button",
    "url": "tappa://keyboard",
    "title": "tappa_weblink_title",
    "urlType": "deeplinkUrl"
    "order": 11,
    "buttonType": "settings",
    "useTint": true,
    "title": "Settings"
    "order": 12,
    "buttonType": "clipboard",
    "useTint": true,
    "title": "Clipboard"
    "order": 13,
    "buttonType": "embeddedBrowser",
    "useTint": true,
    "title": "tappa_browser_title"
    "order": 14,
    "buttonType": "fixWithAI",
    "useTint": true,
    "title": "tappa_fix_with_ai_toolbar_button"

If you have too many buttons in the toolbar (more than 7 on iOS, 8 on Android), the last one will be replaced by an ellipsis. Tapping on this ellipsis will display the remaining toolbar buttons in the keyboard view.

The JSON file can then be customized to change which toolbar buttons get displayed. The following properties are supported for each button defined in the JSON file:

orderIntegerThe display order of the button
buttonTypeStringThe type of button to display
useTintBooleanDisplay button tint
iconResourceStringName of the button resource to display
includeString ArrayTypes of content to include for certain buttons
titleStringButton title

Adding Button Dependencies

Once the toolbar JSON file is created the following dependencies must be added to the application build.gradle if any of the following buttons are used to ensure the button can be loaded. Using this mechanism ensures that the SDK size is smaller and only required button functionality is added.

Button TypeDependency
brandimplementation "com.mocha.keyboard:brand-logo-button:$SDK_VERSION"
clipboardimplementation "com.mocha.keyboard:clipboard-button:$SDK_VERSION"
socialHubimplementation "com.mocha.keyboard:social-hub:$SDK_VERSION"
themesimplementation "com.mocha.keyboard:themes-button:$SDK_VERSION"
webLinkimplementation "com.mocha.keyboard:web-link-button:$SDK_VERSION"
fixWithAIimplementation "com.mocha.keyboard:fix-with-ai-button:$SDK_VERSION"
speechToTextimplementation "com.mocha.speech-to-text-button:$SDK_VERSION"
deeplinkimplementation "com.mocha.deeplink-button:$SDK_VERSION"

Button Types

Brand Logo Button

Opens a pre-defined URL, usually your web-site. It should have an icon with your company's brand.

When some other button on toolbar is pressed, the brand button transforms to a 'keyboard' icon, allowing the user to return back to keyboard.

The brand button should occupy the first place on the toolbar, otherwise an exception will be thrown.

GIFs / Stickers / Emoji Button

These buttons allow sending reactions using GIFs (animated images), stickers (static images) and emojis. Gifs and stickers buttons can be used only when the text field supports them, otherwise the buttons will be disabled.




Speech To Text

Enhance your typing efficiency with the Keyboard SDK's speech-to-text functionality. Simply tap the microphone icon to activate voice recognition and start dictating your message. The SDK accurately transcribes spoken words into text in real-time, allowing for hands-free messaging and improved multi-tasking capabilities.

To incorporate the speech-to-text functionality into your Android keyboard application using the SDK, you need to add to the KBToolbar.json configuration file the following JSON object:

  "order": 5,
  "buttonType": "speechToText",
  "useTint": true,
  "iconResource": "tappa_speech_to_text_toolbar_button"

Social Hub Button

This button shows the latest posts and videos from social media:

The following sources are supported:

  • YouTube
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • RSS
  • TikTok

Filtering Content

By default, all types of content is shown. It is possible to filter content by using the include parameter in the JSON:

    "order": 3,
    "buttonType": "socialHub",
    "useTint": true,
    "iconResource": "kb_toolbar_items_repository_3",
    "include": [
    "title": "social hub title"


It's possible to use several social hub buttons in a single configuration with different include parameters.

Info card

The info card describes to users what the button does. It's shown 3 times, unless closed explicitly by user, in which case it won't be shown anymore. It has a title and a description.

Clipboard Button

This button allows users to paste text from clipboard. Initially, when no text is copied, the button is disabled:

When some text is copied by the user, the toolbar changes its state to show the text:

When the text is tapped, it is pasted into the active text field and the state changes back to show the toolbar buttons, and the button is enabled:

When the button is tapped, the text is copied to text field again.

Themes Button

This button allows the user to view keyboard themes and change the active theme.

When a theme is tapped, the theme picker dialog is shown:

Each theme comes in 2 variants: with key borders, and without key borders. Users can choose the theme via the switch control in the theme preview screen.

Settings Button

This button allows users to change the keyboard settings.

Embedded Browser Button

This button displays an embedded web browser to the user, allowing the user to navigate the web directly from the keyboard.

Tappa Text Button

This button provides the user the ability to ask questions and make prompts and receive responses from an AI chatbot powered by ChatGPT.

Web Link Button

The web link button launches the device web browser with the URL link which is supplied as part of the button configuration.

Fix with AI

Fix with AI allows you improve the text you are currently typing and also to translate it in any languages.

Please note that, Fix with AI will always be displayed as:

  • the last button of the keyboard if the ellipsis is not displayed.
  • the penultimate button of the keyboard if the ellipsis is displayed.

This is regardless of the order set in the JSON file.